ett sista mail...(ca 1 vecka kvar)
Hi Sandra
We cant wait to see you!
We are all fine and very excited also.
I dont think you need to pack anything special - we have a hair dryer for you, towels are here, bed things - just bring your personal items and clothes. Bring some pictures from home, your ipod, camera. We have an Ikea store not too far away so we can get lots of Swedish things.
The last few days have been really hot 38 deg C - so maybe bring your favorite sun lotion as it may not be available over here. For the most part California is very casual and shorts, T shirts and flipflops are all you need during the summer (until mid to end of October). The temperature will be 32 deg C during the day and 13 deg at night for much of the summer. There will be slightly cooler periods where high day time temp is only 25 deg C. As we get into winter the High day time temp will be 10 deg C and at night it may get to freezing but no snow or at least once every 50 years! If you have a dressing gown (to wear over your pajamas) and have room to fit this in that might be useful for you.
Your room has a PC with web cam so you can SKYPE your friends and family. In general thought the web is turned off at around midnight.
We have not taken any special measures for ourselves regarding the influenza (Swine Flu) from Mexico and I dont know anyone else that has either. In the USA they recommend getting an influenza vaccine in the winter season - I have not heard of a vaccine being available for the Swine Flu yet but perhaps in Europe it is already available? I would ask your doctor in Sweden what he/she thinks and then follow that advice.
See you soon!
Paul, Kirsten, A and J.
Jaha Sandra tog du kontakt om influensan med dem eller kontakta de dig?
Ja va bra med skype ska kolla upp hur man gör va kul då kan vi sitta och chatta via camen va kul!